The Uro Club

Season 1 Episode 10



🕓 Air Date: October 20, 2009

Asking For:
$25,000 for 51%

Kevin Harrington

$25,000 for 70%

The UroClub is a portable urinal disguised as a golf club, designed to help male golfers discreetly relieve themselves on the course.



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Background Story

Dr. Floyd Seskin, a urologist and surgeon with nearly two decades of experience, resides and operates his successful practice in South Florida. His journey to creating the UroClub began with a simple yet impactful observation from his patients. Over the years, Dr. Seskin noticed a common issue among many of his male patients who were avid golfers – the lack of convenient restroom facilities on golf courses often led to discomfort and disrupted their enjoyment of the game. Drawing on his medical expertise and a desire to enhance his patients’ quality of life, Dr. Seskin embarked on a mission to develop a practical solution.


Driven by his passion for improving patient care beyond the confines of his clinic, Dr. Seskin leveraged his surgical skills and innovative thinking to create the UroClub. This ingenious product ingeniously disguised a portable urinal within the familiar form of a golf club, allowing male golfers to discreetly address their urinary needs while on the course. The idea was not only functional but also cleverly designed to blend seamlessly into the golfing experience, providing a solution that prioritized convenience and dignity.


Located in the heart of a region known for its golfing culture, Dr. Seskin’s practice served as an ideal testing ground for the UroClub. Through firsthand feedback from his patients and local market insights, he refined the product to meet the specific needs of golf enthusiasts. Dr. Seskin’s background as a medical professional provided him with a unique perspective on addressing urinary issues, while his entrepreneurial spirit fueled his determination to bring the UroClub to market. With a blend of medical expertise, entrepreneurial vision, and a commitment to innovation, Dr. Seskin embarked on a journey to revolutionize the golfing experience for millions of male golfers across the country.

The Product

The UroClub is a discreet and innovative solution designed to address the urinary needs of male golfers on the course. Cleverly disguised as a standard 7-iron golf club, it features a wider grip that serves as a hidden reservoir capable of holding approximately 18 ounces of liquid. When nature calls, golfers can discreetly relieve themselves by simply unscrewing the cap and utilizing the UroClub like a regular urinal.

The product’s design includes a privacy shield, a towel that attaches to the club and the golfer’s waistband, providing coverage while in use. This feature ensures privacy and maintains the user’s dignity while they attend to their needs on the golf course. Priced at $24.95, plus $9.95 for shipping and handling, the UroClub is available for purchase through the company’s website. Additionally, it has been promoted through local TV infomercials, making it accessible to golfers nationwide.

The UroClub offers several benefits, including convenience, discretion, and peace of mind for male golfers who often face challenges finding suitable restroom facilities while enjoying their favorite sport. Its innovative design seamlessly integrates into the golfing experience, allowing users to focus on their game without worrying about interruptions or discomfort caused by urinary urges.


How It Went

The company’s position before Shark Tank

UroClub has demonstrated modest success since its inception, with a steady performance reflecting its niche market appeal. The company, led by founder Dr. Floyd Seskin, operates from its base in South Florida, leveraging the region’s vibrant golfing community as a primary target market. While its product has gained traction among golfers seeking a discreet solution to on-course urinary needs, UroClub’s market presence remains relatively niche.


In terms of partnerships, UroClub has established relationships with local retailers and wholesalers catering to the golfing community, helping to expand its distribution network. However, the company’s customer base primarily consists of individual consumers purchasing directly through its website or via infomercials. Funding for UroClub has primarily been sourced internally, with Dr. Seskin investing over $300,000 into the business, covering inventory, patenting, and marketing expenses.


Despite this initial investment, the company has managed to maintain a stable financial position, with profits exceeding $70,000 in gross revenue from sales of approximately 3,000 units. The company’s structure likely consists of a small team responsible for product development, marketing, and operations, with Dr. Seskin at the helm as the founder and key decision-maker. While UroClub has shown promise as a novelty product within the golfing community, its current market reach and revenue may necessitate further investment and strategic partnerships to achieve significant growth and expansion into broader markets.

The Negotiations:

During the negotiations on Shark Tank, Dr. Floyd Seskin sought not only financial investment but also strategic guidance to propel UroClub to greater success. Initially asking for $25,000 in exchange for 51% equity, Dr. Seskin encountered skepticism and hesitation from some sharks due to the unconventional nature of the product. However, he remained steadfast in his belief in the product’s potential to address a common issue faced by male golfers.


Despite the humorous and somewhat controversial nature of the UroClub, Kevin Harrington saw an opportunity in the novelty market and proposed a deal: $25,000 for 70% equity. Dr. Seskin accepted Harrington’s offer, recognizing the value of Harrington’s expertise in infomercials and marketing to scale the business. This deal marked a significant turning point for UroClub, securing not only the necessary capital but also the strategic partnership needed to accelerate growth and expand market reach.


While some sharks expressed reservations or opted out of investing due to personal preferences or portfolio fit, Harrington’s offer aligned with Dr. Seskin’s goals and vision for UroClub. By accepting Harrington’s offer, Dr. Seskin demonstrated his willingness to prioritize the company’s growth and success over retaining a larger equity stake. With Harrington’s expertise and resources on board, UroClub is poised to capitalize on its novelty appeal and carve out a prominent place within the golfing community and beyond.